Success Stories

We value our patients' experience at Sea Chiropractic, LLC. Here are a few stories from our patients...

I was in tremendous pain all of the time. My back, hips, and neck hurt constantly and I was suffering from chronic headaches. My name is Stacey, and since my 20s my pain had been getting progressively worse every day. I had tried working with other chiropractors in previous years, but I was never getting good results. I was feeling like I was going to have to endure the pain forever. I found out about Sea Chiropractic on my health insurance website. I began receiving treatments three times a week. The treatments alleviated my headaches within the first two weeks. My back and hip pain improved within a month. I didn’t anticipate that my knees would also feel so much better. I had no idea it was because my back was out of alignments. I’m sleeping so much better and I’m less restless at night. The treatments have allowed me to enjoy bowling again! I’m even able to take long motorcycle trips with my partner. The staff at Sea Chiropractic is always friendly and welcoming and they greet you by name when you visit. Dr. Gusso is truly
knowledgeable at what adjustments my body needs. Since beginning treatment, my posture is much better. I have been noticeably more active than I used to be!

My baby girl, Aria, was only two months old when I first brought her to Sea Chiropractic. She would only sleep on one side of her head, even in the car seat. I wasn’t very troubled about it, especially since she had slept like that since birth, and she wasn’t in any distress. However, when we went to her pediatric appointment, the doctor was concerned that Aria may have to wear a helmet if things didn’t change. It would prevent her from getting a “baby flat head.” Click Here to Read More!

Hello! My name is Laura, and I first came to Sea Chiropractic for neck pain. I was surprised when he told me he could not see me until I went to my family physician first. Concerned about other possible medical issues, he sent me out the door without getting an adjustment. Sure enough, I had mono and was very thankful he pointed me in the right direction. Click Here to Read More!

While I was right that they (Sea Chiropractic) helped me get back on my feet, I never believed any chiropractor could help past that initial pain. Not only did the back pain leave completely, my emotional well-being improved too. Battling depression and anxiety was one of my struggles. Once the back pain was addressed, I realized how much the once easily overlooked dull ache in my body was affecting other aspects of my life.

I first started coming to Sea Chiropractic several years ago for problems I was continuing to have with my low back. I have a congenital problem with a vertebra in my low back and I have had back pain on and off since age 14. I coach at O'Gorman and one of my students told me about Sea Chiropractic and his different method of chiropractic treatment. I had gone to other chiropractors since I was in the 9th grade and I didn't have and complaints about them, but I was interested in trying this new method. It turns out that I really like what I found and I got very good results for my low back things were going good until I broke my neck in a football game! In the 1989 Augie Alumni game I broke my 6th cervical vertebrae (the last play in Augie alumni football history).

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Hi my name is Delena. You may not recognize me by the picture on the right, but this is my spine. I was diagnosed with scoliosis as a child and it eventually necessitated surgery to put in the rods and stop the curve from progressing. The surgery did stop the scoliosis from getting worse, but through the years I developed significant back pain. I also had quite a bit of muscle spasm from my back being twisted.

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I was so angry at life, at myself, at the doctors, at everything. My name is Ron and running is my life. I love to run. But the pain in my hip and low back had gotten so bad I had to stop. The doctor told me the only thing I could do was take pain meds and rest. No running. So I did this, but the pain would not go away. One day my wife and I walked past Sea Chiropractic. I kept thinking that maybe I should give that a try. What more did I have to loose?

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Hi, my name is Chris. I first found out about Sea Chiropractic several years ago when I was suffering from tendonitis in my arms and carpal tunnel symptoms. I am a professional musician and I also make custom mouthpieces for instruments. The repetitive movements of these two activities cause a lot of stress in my neck, upper back, jaw, and arms. My problems had been going on for about 6 months and I was taking Ibuprofen, which helped, but I realized it was just covering up my symptoms.

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My name is Kent, and I have struggled with low back pain for many years. Every time the seasons changed, I would always worry about what kind of yard work lies ahead of me. Yard work would always make my back hurt, and I was lucky if it did not go out. Even though this had been going on for years, I never thought twice about seeing a chiropractor. One painful incident quickly changed my thinking. I bent over and was nearly in tears because the pain was so bad. I could not stand straight, I could not bend over, I could not move. I felt like I was walking around hunched over all the time. Normally the pain went away on its own, but this time it would not. This time, I knew something more serious was wrong and I needed to find help.

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