
rick_l_1.jpg Hi, my name is Rick.  I first starting coming to Dr. Sea several years ago for problems I was continuing to have with my low back.  I have a congenital problem with a vertebra in my low back and I have had back pain on and off since age 14.  I coach at O'Gorman and one of my students told me about Dr. Sea and his different method of chiropractic.  I had gone to other chiropractors since I was in the 9th grade and I didn't have and complaints about them, but I was interested in trying this new method.  It turns out that I really like what I found and I got very good results for my low back things were going good until I broke my neck in a football game!  In the 1989 Augie Alumni game I broke my 6th cervical vertebrae (the last play in Augie alumni football history).  After that I was put into a halo device to immobilize my neck for the next 3 months.  In addition to the obvious neck pain I started to have a lot of pain across my shoulders and into my upper back.  Shortly after getting the halo off I began receiving adjustments to improve my upper back and neck.  I had quite a bit of muscle weakness in those areas due to the immobilization and it was stiff and painful in that area.

Weather it has been back problems or the problems following the neck fracture the adjustments are always very effective.  I have even been surprised to find out that getting adjusted has helped with headaches and sinus problems.  I have been able to remain very active coaching football, track, basket ball, and most importantly playing with my children.  Through my coaching I have sent several athletes to Sea Chiropractic so they don't have to "play through the pain."  In a couple cases the athlete had injuries that the doctor found to be outside the range of chiropractic care, he has promptly sent them to the appropriate specialist.  Besides the effectiveness of the care I really appreciate the friendly atmosphere and the convenience of the flexibility of the office.  Now, with Dr. Gusso here, I can get in for an adjustment any time I need to!

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8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm





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